Martial Arts and Self Discipline

Discipline is key to excellence in martial arts. One of the things that you, as a student of ATA Martial Arts, will develop is self-discipline, an important life skill you need for success. Martial arts teach you discipline through training and practice. When you enroll for karate or a taekwondo class, you are committing to a life of discipline and hard work. By requiring you to adhere to the rules set by the master, martial arts will help you develop self-discipline, and eventually make it a way of life.

Why do you need self-discipline?

We need discipline because it helps us adhere to the rules and brings out the best in us. A disciplined student of ATA Martial Arts performs better not just in the class, but also outside. The benefits of self-discipline are many. Here are some of them.

• You are not easily wavered from your healthy eating habits and lifestyle
• You will be able to follow your exercise or workout routine to stay fit and keep your body in shape
• When you have self-discipline, you have self-control, which prevents you from acting impulsively
• Discipline gives you the confidence to take on new projects, and continue what you have already started, even when it may seem otherwise
• You will not procrastinate or be lazy like before
• When you are disciplined, you will also be able to keep your promises, which makes you feel good about yourself.
• Will assist you in becoming a leader

To put it simply, self-discipline is the starting point for developing a healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.

Developing self-discipline with martial arts

Martial arts are usually taught in a structured setting, where the students have to follow the rules of the school. When they are forced to adhere to the rules every day, they eventually fall into the routine. They become disciplined. However, a structured setting alone will not help you develop self-discipline. To live a life of discipline and order, you also need intrinsic motivation, and not just external pressure.

ATA Martial Arts practices also help you develop the basic social skills of courtesy and respect, for the self and others. They also encourage you to set goals for developing your skills and achieving certain ranks. In a way, martial arts help you have a personal vision for yourself. The need to achieve the vision will help you develop other qualities such as perseverance, integrity and sincerity.

Setting Realistic Goals

Self-discipline is an attribute that cannot be developed overnight. To live a disciplined life means to live life according to certain principles, without manipulating them or adjusting them in any way. The first step, therefore, would be to set goals that you can achieve.

As an ATA Martial Arts student, you must aim at reaching a rank higher than yours, rather than aiming straight for the highest rank first. When you have a clear goal, which is achievable from where you are, developing a routine and adhering to it will be easier. When you have specific goals and you are motivated intrinsically to achieve them, you will be able to adhere to your routine, and reach where you set out to be. Special Offer:

The “Two Weeks Free” is valid at any participating location with some restrictions that may apply. Each licensed location with the ATA is an independently owned and operated business. The ATA is not responsible for the act or omissions of any licensee of an independently owned and operated licensed location for any obligations, contractual agreement, disputes and/or legal concerns to you that are incurred by any such licensee. Please check with each local licensed location regarding that licensed location.

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