Archive | Preschool Karate for Kids Classes

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Children Stay in Shape with Karate Classes – Try ATA

Health disorders are becoming extremely common amongst children. The modern lifestyle involves children munching on junk food and warming the couch playing videogames. Consequently, many children are suffering from obesity, high cholesterols, fatigue, and lethargy. Problems related to blood pressure have also been recorded in several cases. It is high time parents become conscious about

Safe Defense for Children at

Is your child really safe with all those extortion and molestation cases hitting the news headlines? Could your child be the victim of some mishap or some criminal activity? If you are anxious about the safety and well-being of your child, you need to stop worrying by registering your child for a safe defense-training program.

Try ATA Martial Arts and Self Control

The skills and moves you learn as a martial arts student can give you a sense of power over others, who may be weaker than you. Without self-control, this power can be a dangerous weapon in your hand. That is why self-control is one of the most important life skills that ATA Martial Arts teaches

The Power of Martial Arts for Mental Training

When we think of martial arts, we think of all the cool moves that we see in Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee movies of disabling people with just one move and breaking things. What you do not realize is the amount of concentration and practice it takes to perfect the moves. A good martial artist

Martial Arts and Self Discipline

Discipline is key to excellence in martial arts. One of the things that you, as a student of ATA Martial Arts, will develop is self-discipline, an important life skill you need for success. Martial arts teach you discipline through training and practice. When you enroll for karate or a taekwondo class, you are committing to