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Try ATA Martial arts teaches children with ADD & ADHD

The ATA – THE AMERICAN TAEKWONDO ASSOCIATION Children these days are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD at an alarmingly rising rate. Many times, the diagnosis is placed on a child when they are just being a normal child. While this is not the only case, it is important that parents understand that there are

Reasons to Consider TryATA Martial Arts Training

The ATA – THE AMERICAN TAEKWONDO ASSOCIATION Many people from all walks of life decide to take up martial arts for a variety of reasons. Some choose to pursue martial arts to improve their physical and mental well-being, while others see the arts as an excellent hobby to practice. Some people want to take advantage

Try ATA Martial Arts and Self Control

The skills and moves you learn as a martial arts student can give you a sense of power over others, who may be weaker than you. Without self-control, this power can be a dangerous weapon in your hand. That is why self-control is one of the most important life skills that ATA Martial Arts teaches

ATA Martial Arts – Integrity

Students of martial arts are taught to live with integrity and honesty. In the context of martial arts, integrity and honesty can be used interchangeably. When one is honest and has a strong moral fiber, we say that the person has integrity. Martial arts teach valuable lessons for life. Apart from self-defense, students learn focus,